USA Giving.
Ways to Give
2. Check
Make your check payable to "Outpost Centers International"
Very Important: write "Wings of Life" on the memo line.
Mail to:
Outpost Centers International
5132 Layton Lane,
Apison, TN 37302
Please send us an email to notify us of your gift: info@wingsoflife.net
Your faithful giving helps us to sustain our mission of serving those in need. Gifts unmarked or allocated for general purpose will be used where needed most. If a gift is received with a specific allocation, we will do our best to honor that. However, if in our judgement that is not possible, or is no longer necessary, the need has already been met, or the use of funds as specified would be detrimental to the organization, we reserve the right to reallocate funds to our general purposes to be used where deemed best. By giving, you understand and agree to these conditions. Of course should you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your generous giving continues to make a real world impact across many communities.